Friday, May 29, 2009

Me and My Friends!!! A.K.A. Jordan, Kristian, and Edan!

So my friend asked me to come with her to the pool after school today, well lets just say that the lady there was NOT the nicest person! We went on the internet to see what time the pool opened and it said at 1 O' clock! We headed over to the pool in our swimming suits and everything all ready to go just to find out that for some odd reason the computer is wrong and that it doesn't open uptil 4 O' clock! Come on at least set your webpage right. That made me really mad, but oh well. Life goes on! So when we finally get into the pool its like freezing cold! Either that or I am just weird and take forever to get use to the tempetature of the water! It was lots of fun and I got to make some new friends! That's always exciting! But one thing that everyone hates or at least everyone that I know hates is getting sunburned! You should check out my cheeks! They are soooooooo red, and they hurt really really bad! Hopefully they will be a little bit better tomorrow! Well there's a short summery of my last day of school.! (Sorry didn't have a camera to take any pictures for you!)

1 comment:

  1. LOL Well yeah That was WAY fun! But you left out the part about us walking around FOREVER, and getting snow cones and riding on Their bike handle bars! LOL Well that's ok! UGH I am sore from the chicken fights though!!! IT HURTS REALLY BAD!!!


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